Theoretical Framework

Monday 16th September

LO: to apply the theoretical framework to media texts. 

four major concepts, or ideas, which from the basis of the subject content:
Medial language
Media Institutions
Media Audiences
Media Representation

Media language
This covers terms used, how texts are constructed and the message conveyed. It includes:

Mise-en-scene is costume, props, setting, hair and make up, lighting, actor positioning and body language and facial expression.

Editing is transitions, pace and speed of cuts, CGI, green screening and graphics.

Image result for editing terminology Image result for mise-en-scene terminology
Image result for diegetic and nondiegetic sound

In the trailer for Joker there was quite a lot of Mise-en-scene used for example he wore a lot of make up to show he was a trying to be a clown Also his clothes were quite scruffy that showed he did not have much money.  Also the props that were used gave emphatmis to the scene for example his clown costume showed who he believed he was

The trailer i am  doing is annabelle comes home. 

The camerawork shots are mostly close up with the main characters however
there differences in the shot types.

The soundtrack includes diegetic and diegetic sound included
in the soundtrack. 
Editing in the trailer is quite good. There are some fast cuts and some slow cuts. They use slow cuts to add jump scares and use fast cuts for that as well. They used this in the trailer for jump scares. 
Mise-en-scene is used quite heavily in the trailer. There are lots of different props and makeup used as well. For example they use this cabient to put annbelle in and they use props as well for her. 

Monday 23rd september
LO to understand the concept of ownership and regulations

Who makes what and for whom. The owners, companies and people that produce, distuberte and govern media.

Disney owns-
abc studies-tv

Advert aimed at female adult audience.  This aimed at females as the model on the front is a women and the age of her. Also whats on front of the magazine is designed for women to like for example home hair colouring tips.  Because is what women like. 

This is designed for teenage boys of what is on the front cover.  For example there is a helicopter shooting missiles and a cute girl. This is what teenage boys like in video games also there is a car chase with the police and that what interests teenage boys.


Lo: To explore the idea of representation in the media.

 RepresentationMedia representations are the ways in which the media portrays particular groups, communities, experiences, ideas, or topics from a particular ideological or value perspective. Many representations might seem realistic because media producers use stereotypes to make them easily recognisable.


Monday 30th September

So in far left corner you have Lucas. From his facial expression you can tell he is surprised about something from the way he is looking. Also from his clothes you can tell he is quite smart looking as he is wearing a collard shirt and jacket. Next to Lucas you have Justin. Also he is surprised as his mouth is half open and his eyes are wide apart. Also his hair is quite long so this suggests he could be a nerd.

The trailer i have chosen is Haunt.  The camera shots vary from close ups and long shots. The lighting is dark and the setting is a old haunted house in a old run down facility.  Their facial expressions are scared and have fear in, Their eyes when someone gets impaled in the eye and then put in a body bag.  Their is is a lot of cgi used for example they go through this tunnel which has things spinning around which gives it a kind of trippy effect when you see it.

Also they use a lot of mis-en-scene. For example on the clowns hey use makeup instead of masks and also they use makeup for the blood on the people trying to escape. They use makeup instead of masks as it gives more of a realistic effect than a old plain mask. Also their facial expressions are scared and they have fear in their eyes when they try to escape.


  1. Good start.
    WWW - you've identified elements of Media Language used and said why
    DIRT - Use accurate punctuation and capital letters

  2. Good DIRT work.

    Representation - good notes, try including stereotypes too.

    Trailer analysis:
    WWW - you've identified some elements correctly
    DIRT - be more specific with your examples and explain why they are used


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