Music industry

 Monday 22nd February 

conglomerate- a thing consisting of a number of different and distinct parts or items that are grouped together.

globalize- develop or be developed so as to make international influence or operation possible.

diversify- make or become more diverse or varied

regulation- a rule or directive made and maintained by an authority.

revenue- income, especially when of an organization and of a substantial nature.

circulation- the public availability or knowledge of something.

Paid-for magazines with a readership over 1 million in the UK, in order of readership: 

What’s on TV - TI Media - US magazine publisher

Radio Times - Hubert Burda Media - German magazine publisher (Immediate Media is the UK subsidiary)

TV Choice - Bauer Media - German media conglomerate: magazines, radio and music television

Take a Break - Bauer Media

Good Housekeeping - Hearst Communications - US media conglomerate: newspapers, magazines, local radio and cable television

Glamour - Hearst Communications (Conde Nast Publications is the UK subsidiary)

Inside Soap - Hearst Communications 

This company owns over 600 magazines, including two UK music magazines – Q and MOJO 

The company has diversified the MOJO brand, offering online in order to reduce the risk of only operating in one media form. 

The company is itself diversified, with ownership of magazines, websites, radio stations and music television channels, which may help protect it from declining audiences for magazines.

Magazines receive revenue from:

 Circulation (cover price - £5.25 for MOJO in 2017) 

 Advertising (in MOJO, mostly live or recorded music, with some fashion advertising, some mass advertising – e.g. Specsavers – and some cross-promotion for other Bauer brands, such as Empire) 

 Sponsored content and product placement, for example, ‘MOJO listens to all its music on Roksan equipment’ 

 Events, e.g. Vogue runs fashion events, GQ runs comedy events. 

The print magazine industry is suffering from falling advertising revenues and falling circulations as many of their audience go online. Their response has been to diversify as much as possible – events are a good example of this – and to move magazines online. 


lo: to explore the magazine industry ownership, regulation & revenue. 

conglomerate- a thing consisting of a number of different and distinct parts or items that are grouped together.

globalize- develop or be developed so as to make international influence or operation possible.

diversify- make or become more diverse or varied

regulation- a rule or directive made and maintained by an authority.

revenue- income, especially when of an organization and of a substantial nature.

circulation- the public availability or knowledge of something.

Thursday 25th march 

Genre & target audience 

Probable age. d
Probable sex. d
Probable education. d
Probable economic status. d
Probable social position. d
Probable values. p
Probable assumptions. p

The core target audience for Kerrang is males in their late teens. This is because the main colours used are stereotypically very masculine with the blues, blacks and deep reds. The text on the front on the magazine is informal as they use slang.  They want thier voice to be heard and be loud. The use of the image shows passion an thier personality. This person wants to live life loud. 

The use of image appeals to the target audience because the front cover is bright and stands out. Also is loud and he wants to live for the atmosphere of gigs and festivals. 

Mojo magazine 

MOJO is THE MUSIC EXPERT – a magazine of high brand values and integrity. A carefully crafted musical archive covering the very best of music across genres. From classic and modern rock, folk, soul, country to reggae, electronic and experimental.


MOJO continues to lead the monthly Music market with a circulation of 55,913, circulating nearly 18,000 more copies on average than its closest competitor.

Mojo (magazine) Mojo is a popular music magazine published initially by Emap, and since January 2008 by Bauer, monthly in the United Kingdom.  

Monday 29th march 

Music magazines 

1. hammer-rock- because of their clothes 

2. billboard-pop- because its Katy perry 

3. vibe-rap- because the look of his face

masterhead- the masterhead is quite big and large 

main image- his clothing is the kind a rapper would wear 

main cover line- stands out 

pull quote- i dont know 

date, price- £29, 2018 

banner- states aj traceys things 

website music weekly- top left corner 

In essence, typography is the art of arranging letters and text in a way that makes the copy legible, clear, and visually appealing to the reader. Typography involves font style, appearance, and structure, which aims to elicit certain emotions and convey specific messages

layout- the way in which the parts of something are arranged or laid out.

lexis- the total stock of words in a language.

A color palette, in the digital world, refers to the full range of colors that can be displayed on a device screen or other interface, or in some cases, a collection of colors and tools for use in paint and illustration programs.

Mise en scène, pronounced meez-ahn-sen, is a term used to describe the setting of a scene in a play or a film. It refers to everything placed on the stage or in front of the camera—including people.





colour palette- red, white

main image- often medium close up

typography- block caps, traditional westren style fonts contrasted italics 

lexis- straight forward

cowboys hats often feautue 


Monday 19th April 

MOJO Audience 

The most successful magazines during the time of

intense competition from online media have been

at the quality end of the market — the luxury

brands — which offer their audiences a ‘lean back

moment’ as they sink into the glamorous world of

their favourite glossy magazines

- These magazines use the advantages of the print

media - high quality photography, familiar

conventions, and sophisticated media language

using high quality printing on glossy paper. These

advantages, added to the authoritative brand . .

image of an established magazine such as Vogue,

attract advertising from high status brands. These

further add to the aspirational, high-quality tone. ,

- MOJO magazine has some aspects of the quality 

monthly, but it is only semi-glossy and uses

lighter—weight paper. (Cheaper to produce)

However, it retains enough quality to enable it to

survive as a paid-for print product while the

cheaper weekly music magazines have either

closed or, like the NME, switched to free print

versions. The magazine is loved by its readers and artists alike because it engages them on the subject they love the most music itself. 

mojo brings you definitive cover on ionic act

mojo is the worlds uk music magazine 

mojo is the brand for those truly obsessed with music 

mojo is the music expert 

Rock and alternative music, niche market 

Weekly magazines target an audience 

that is more working class than middle 

class: the paid-for magazines with the 

highest working class readership

The quality monthly magazines tend to 

target a more middle class audience. The 

paid- for magazines with the highest 

middle class readership are the monthlies 

Good Housekeeping, Cosmopolitan, 

Vogue, and BBC Good Food, followed by ,

the weekly Radio Times.

The most popular weekly and monthly 

magazines have predominantly female 

readerships. Magazines aimed at men 

have lower circulations. The most 

successful are Men’s Health and BBC Top W the highlighted sections.

Users and gratification theory

To explore the appeal of mojo magazine to its magazine target audience. 

reading a magazine is far more active  than a watching a film or sumin. .

music magazines often reainforce the readers values

They off aspirstanol role models.  

Mojo mandona

music magazines often reianforce the readers vaules. offer aspirational role moldes. 

MOJO magazine is THE rock'n'roll music magazine to be currently reading, designed solely for those who truly love music. MOJO magazine gives you exclusive access to the most iconic of stars and recording royalty, while celebrating tomorrow's stars today.

it provides information bout the rapper offer a range of enteriment, comedey, and gossip 

that might form the basis of real life conversations and deaates the readers and thier real life convos

Monday 26th April

Cover Analysis

To analysis the cover of a magazine, linking it to genre and audience 

 ’Baby boomer’ generation — a person born in the years

following the Second World War, when there was a

temporary marked increase in the birth rate

° diversification — the process of varying products

° audience address - how the text speaks to the audience,

and involves and influences them.

' Discerning - having or showing good judgement.

' house style - a company's preferred manner of presentation

and layout of written material.

codes and conventions are like the building blocks of all the media around us. Media codes generally have an agreed meaning, or connotation, to their audience.Conventions are expected ways in which codes are organised in a product.

Intertextuality happens when the conventions of one genre are alluded to in another, or when a specific cultural reference is made in a media text. Film posters or DVD covers use intertextuality when they mention other movies made by the same director.

A color palette, in the digital world, refers to the full range of colors that can be displayed on a device screen or other interface, or in some cases, a collection of colors and tools for use in paint and illustration programs. 

An image is a visual representation of something. In information technology, the term has several usages.

An artist is referred to as a single person according to You can however refer to the members of a band as artists

A customisable site-wide header that will contain your site name, main navigation, search and other function links along with a Jisc-wide banner.

In essence, typography is the art of arranging letters and text in a way that makes the copy legible, clear, and visually appealing to the reader. Typography involves font style, appearance, and structure, which aims to elicit certain emotions and convey specific messages. 

David Grohl Magazine 

shot type- The shot type is a mid shot because you can see the middle of him 

star vehicle- 

colour palette- the magazine is different colour colours which makes it stand out 

bands and artists- David grohl

masterhead style- makes the star stand out and makes him seem more important 

main cover line style- range of diffrent colour and it is quite big and attracts the eye 

puff- it has a colourful puff to show how many people have reviewed to magazine 

usp- you can receive a free cd from buying a magazine 

placement of text- the placement of the text is out of the way of the star and takes up space elsewhere on the magazine 

The masthead, Mojo, suggests that music is a

powerful, if not magical, influence Which would

appeal to the hard core music fans that the

magazine is aimed at. The sans serif font had a

curved edge Which looks modern and fresh,

connoting the content is up-to—date and new, again

appealing to those fans Who want to know about

new artists as well as classic artists. The block

capitals connotes masculinity Which also appeals

to the predominantly male target audience.

The shot type is a mid shot because you can see the the top half of him which connates to the shot attracting the custmer eyes. 

The colour palltle is all differnt colours and which makes it stand out and connates to the colours being calm and neutral which improves sales as gives off a calming vibe. 

main cover line style is a range of diffrent colour and it is quite big and attracts the eye whih would link back to increasded sales and stuff because its atractting to the eye and its visaully nice to look at. 

usp as you can receive a free cd from buying a magazine which would encourge people to buy the magzine as your getting a free cd which makes the buyer thinking is worth buying the magazine.

Thursday 6th May 2021

The shot type is a mid shot because you can see the the top half of him which connotes to the shot attracting the customer eyes. 

The colour palltle is all different colours and which makes it stand out and connotes to the colours being calm and neutral which improves sales as gives off a calming vibe. 

main cover line style is a range of diffrent colour and it is quite big and attracts the eye which would link back to increased sales and stuff because its attracting to the eye and its visually nice to look at. 

usp as you can receive a free cd from buying a magazine which would encourage people to buy the magazine as your getting a free cd which makes the buyer thinking is worth buying the magazine.

Majority of MOJO readers are male. Rock artists are normally male too.  

The layout is cluttered 
The layout connote is a big deal and is very pulare. 
The colour palet is saturated 
Colour is prominently pink and this is a stereotypical colour it also con-treat to her hear. 

1. The text is mainly sans serif 
2. The font connotes that the magazine is quite formal and applies to a bit of an older audience 
3. the font style of the main colour line is simple and doesn't stand out too much 

Monday 20th may 2021

One difference is the used layout. On the mojo cover layout of text is organised and out of the way of the star vehicle. Whereas in the kerrang cover the layout of text is all over the place and is not organised. 

Thursday 10th june

l/o: to explore the concept of representation in music magazines. 




football fans


obsession with guns
fat and overweight


short hair

denotation- the literal or primary meaning of a word, in contrast to the feelings or ideas that the word suggests.

connotation- an idea or feeling which a word invokes for a person in addition to its literal or primary meaning.

expression- he has a casual expression shows that he is a chill guy. 
Hair and clothes- he is wearing simple clothes and his hair is scruffy. 
guitar- suggests he is a musician and makes his own songs. 
tattoos- suggests he is a rebellious kinda guy and suggests individually. 

Text- writes her own songs and hand written 
hair and clothes- her hair looks neat and the dress is showing that she is a feminist also white shows innocence and young 
setting- background blurred to show mystery to her and filed to show she is nature and pure
expression and pose- 

Expression and pose- His expression suggests that he is quite serious and his pose is showing his dominance. 

Jewellery- His jewellery may suggest his success and that he has a lotta money from his carer.

Text- the text is big and bold which is showing his masculinity and strength. The parental advisory thing shows that his songs are explicit which again may show his strength. 

age- she looks young

Thursday 8th July


L/o: To review and reflect on the assessment and set personal targets. 

Question 3

representation- the description or portrayal of someone or something in a particular way.

Question 3

The choice of media language to connote the reverence mojo accords to musicians to their purpose to celebrate ' classic rock'.  The 'authenticity' monochrome of a younger version of ( ray davies) with a eyeline suggesting a look towards the heavens combined with the cover line ' Rock's dark knight on surving the kinks and saving his soul' connoting maybe a spiritual quest. 

Question 4

One similarity that both extracts both use language to try and create an inclusive mode of address addressing an audience of music tastes as well as both use a range of` sans-serif fonts. However a difference between the two extracts is the difference between the cluttered layout of 'we love pop' with a range of images and little column justification, and the more ordered layout in the mojo extract, dominated by one large central image and justified columns. 

I need to remember to do is retain the info i learnt in class to exam

i need to revise representation of a musician in an extract.         

Thursday 17th March 

L/o: Explore media codes and conventions in music videos 

Name of artist- Bruno Mars and Beyonce
Name of song- Up town funk and If were a boy
Genre- Pop
Date of song- 10/11/14 and 13/10/08
What it's about- About certain cities in the usa and if i were a boy is about beyonce saying that god made her more of a boy than a female.
What happens in music video- They are dancing in a group in a street in NYC and in if i were a boy it's about beyonce being a police woman with a man as her partner and they work together.
Who features in the video- Bruno Mars, Kids United and for if i were a boy Beyonce, Eddie Goines, Ryan Locke.

How the artist or group is represented- In uptown funk the people are dressed in stereotypical pop colours which are quite bright and exciting. However in if i were a boy they are represented in a more dull way and are normally dressed in a police outfit or a more dark outfit.
How they are normally represented- Bruno Mars is normally represented as a guy who likes to show off his jewelery and is dressed well. Beyonce is represented as a person who likes fashion and is wealthy.

Thursday 31st March 2022

shows she prefers to be with her mates 

Shows she is powerful and strong by shooting the gun 

Makes her seem the domaint, strong one not the man  

a medium close shot on the woman sexualises her and the shot of her part de-humanizes her 

The juxtaposition beweteen wealth and poverty  

Thursday 12th May 

The artists perform to the camera for the majority 
There isn't much naturalism as they are dancing most of the time and isn't a natural thing to do. 
it follows genre conventions by them being dressed up and looking flashy 

The editing does match the pace of the song as every shot is quite fast paced and changes at a fast rate. As well as it matches because there also quickly. In if in were i were a boy we see both camerawork as well as it is more controlled when the scenes are with her husband. However the camerawork is also handheld when she is at work arresting people. The colour is quite de- saturated and dull and colourless and this shows the mood of the music video as there is tension bewteen her and him. 

Music videos use media language such as the use of colour to create different effects to fit the meaning of the song

and the musicians' image. Uptown Funk and If I Were a Boy use very different post-production techniques. If I Were

a Boy has been de-saturated in the editing process to create a monochrome effect. This effect helps to reinforce the

serious narrative that is being explored. In contrast, Uptown Funk has a highly saturated look, where colours have been

emphasised in post-production, to create a more vibrant look that fits with the up-beat, fun song.

The relationship in if i were a boy conforms to the strertyope of a heterosexual love and it is not showing a gay relationship.  

basically she is slagging off men saying there liars as well as cheaters which is far from true 

Thursday 26th May 

Traditional Gender Stereotypes.
Not aggressive.
Easily influenced.
Not easily influenced.
Not easily hurt emotionally.
Easily hurt emotionally.
Not at all talkative.
Less sensitive to other's feelings.
Sensitive to other's feelings.
Very desirous of security.
Cries a lot.
Not very desirous of security.
Rarely cries.
Not nurturing.

Beyonce's character is presented as being submissive as well as intimdating for being a female compared too her boyfriend who is appread to be calm loyal and collective.

Camera shots are presented to objectify women in a way by having torso shots as wide shots and close up area by her coller bone to create an interest for the male audience. The female is framed to be a model and for male eyes and de-humanised as well.  

She also says that whilst male

bodies are shown to be

spectacular and heroic,

women are often shown in a

sexual way and are 'objects' to

be looked at by men.

Women in the media are often

either sexualised or shown in

stereotypical roles where they


o caring

o motherly

o sensitive

o soft

Monday 6th June 2022

The exam 

Who regulates radio in the uk- ofcom
who owns radio 1- BBC

question 2- live updates, traffic news current, phone in questions

full choice, selective, skip 
listen again, pause 

music videos- representations 
Beyonce+  mars 

Producers of radio programmes may work for commercial radio

or publicly owned radio they target audience through........

BBC radio stations don't have to attract advertisers, but they do

have to fulfil the BBC's Public Service Broadcasting

requirements therefore they must.

The Radio 1 Live Lounge fits into this by targeting young

audiences: 15-29 year olds and

In your answer you must:

• analyse examples of how media language is used differently in the


Make judgements and reach conclusions about whether there are more

similarities due to genre conventions than differences in the extracts.

"How far' what does this mean? You need to a judgement/conclusion Make sure you end your response with a paragraph that comes to a conclusion. In conclusion..... Break down what the question is asking... Is the media language different because of the genre? Yes the media language is different because of the different genre conventions. No the media language is not different because of the genre conventions. You decide what you argue and build your points to back up what you are saying.

This will focus on representation or media language analysis.

Contexts can be addressed in question 4 or 5 through the changes in gender

roles, attitudes to sexuality, multiculturalism, celebrity culture,

consumerism evident in the texts that you are studying


  1. 1/3/21- Please complete the research work for this lesson. If you require any help please let me know.

  2. 8/3/21- Please complete the work for lesson, if you require any support, just let me know.

  3. 22/3/21- Good start to your work, I see that you had to leave the lesson so you are missing the Music genres work, if you have time to work on this during any other lessons then that would be great.

    Well done!
    WWW - You've made some good points and used the structure well.
    EBI- Try linking the choices to the genre and target audience

    Good notes. Shame you didn't actually write the final paragraph.

    Good to see you are able to identify elements of the Mise en scene, aim to use specific subject terminology such as: Narrative, Performance, Media Stereotypes. Give specific examples of this when answering exam style questions.


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