Theoretical Framework
Monday 16th September LO: to apply the theoretical framework to media texts. four major concepts, or ideas, which from the basis of the subject content: Medial language Media Institutions Media Audiences Media Representation Media language This covers terms used, how texts are constructed and the message conveyed. It includes: CAMERWORK SOUNDTRACK MISE-EN-SCENE EDITING Mise-en-scene is costume, props, setting, hair and make up, lighting, actor positioning and body language and facial expression . Editing is transitions, pace and speed of cuts, CGI, green screening and graphics . In the trailer for J oker there was quite a lot of M ise-en-scene used for example he wore a lot of make up to show he was a trying to be a clown . A lso his clothes were quite scruffy that showed he did not have much money. A lso the props that were used gave emphatmis to the scene for example his clown costume showed who he beli...