
Showing posts from September, 2019

Theoretical Framework

Monday 16th September LO: to apply the theoretical framework to media texts.  four major concepts, or ideas, which from the basis of the subject content: Medial language Media Institutions Media Audiences Media Representation Media language This covers terms used, how texts are constructed and the message conveyed. It includes: CAMERWORK SOUNDTRACK MISE-EN-SCENE EDITING Mise-en-scene is costume, props, setting, hair and make up, lighting, actor positioning and body language and facial expression . Editing is transitions, pace and speed of cuts, CGI, green screening and graphics .   In the trailer for J oker there was quite a lot of M ise-en-scene used for example he wore a lot of make up to show he was a trying to be a clown .  A lso his clothes were quite scruffy that showed he did not have much money.   A lso the props that were used gave emphatmis to the scene for example his clown costume showed who he beli...

What is Media

12.9.19 LO: to discuss what media is and how it impacts our lives. DEFINITION- The main means of mass communication. Different types of media- newspapers News Websites Tv Socia media  Radio Podcasts Films Advertising Main purpose of media is to make money $$$$ Media Influence Media influences me by video game, news and fashion trends. For me i believe everything which is on the news. Also some celebrities give motivation to do things in like football.  People who criticise the media are just scared of change? I agree to this as i link my argument with BREXIT and the media surround with that. The majority of the uk voted to leave and now the media is delaying that.  This because of the threats about no deal when leaving and because of all of this parliament and the govermount are delaying this. So my opinion is people are scared of the media and change that comes with it.                     ...

Welcome to my media blog

Me and media  My favourite... Films- My favourite film is all of the Harry Potter films.  Tv shows- My favourite tv shows are Family guy and Game of thrones Video games- My favourite Games are FIFA 19 and far cry 5 and far cry new dawn and GTA 5,  FORZA  horizon 4. Socia media-   Facebook instagram